Mitemaxi, Mite & Tick Control 120ml SB
Mitemaxi mampu mengontrol tungau telinga pada anjing dan kucing. Mitemaxi aman, efektif dan mudah digunakan.
Bahan alami daro Mitemaxi membunuh tungau telinga di tempat infeksinya, sehingga rongga telinga dapat sembuh.Rp 116.250Mitemaxi, Mite & Tick Control 120ml SB
Rp 116.250Eyemaxi 30ml SB
Eyemaxi adalah steril, isotonik, larutan buffered yang membantu meringankan pembakaran, gatal dan perasaan menyengat di mata iritasi oleh pembilasan serbuk sari, polutan udara dan bahan asing lainnya.
Eyemaxi dapat mengurangi iritasi dan rasa tidak nyaman pada mata kering
Rp 95.250Eyemaxi 30ml SB
Rp 95.250Everskin SB
Everskin memberikan kelembapan pada kulit kering atau sensitif.
Everskin menstabilkan kulit yang mengelupas dan kasar
Everskinmenjaga kesehatan kulit dan bulu dan menjaga kondisi kulit dalam keadaan seimbangRp 225.000Everskin SB
Rp 225.000Dermofoot Mousse SB
Dermofoot menghilangkan kotoran dan membersihkan bulu dak kaki tanpa memandikan.
Rp 171.750Dermofoot Mousse SB
Rp 171.750Polecin SB 15ml
Polecin-Liquid dapat digunakan pada kucing dan anjing untuk mengobati otitis dan infeksi kulit yang disebakan oleh jamur, infeksi jamur, bakteri gram positif dan gram negatif.
Polecin-liquid juga diindikasikan untuk pengobatan otitis yang disebabkan oleh Otodects cynotis (ear mite).Rp 147.750Polecin SB 15ml
Rp 147.750Hepacartine
Nutritional Supplements for healthy heart and liver for pets.
Rp 300.000Hepacartine
Rp 300.000Chlohex Shampoo SB Vetcare
Chlohex Shampoo containing chlorhexidine and aloe ectract is the broad antimicrobial and medicinal shampoo for the treatment of common bacterial and fungal infections.
Rp 195.000Chlohex Shampoo SB Vetcare
Rp 195.000Salifur Shampoo SB Vetcare
Salifur Shampoo is a medicate shampoo for pruritic dermatosis and seborrhea of dogs. Salicylic acid and sulfur are main ingrendients, they act as as antimicrobial and alleviate the pruritus and seborrhea
Rp 188.250Salifur Shampoo SB Vetcare
Rp 188.250Soothe Shampoo SB Vetcare
To manage the allergic and sensitive skin including atopy condition. It aids in the management of allergic skin or sensitive skin conditions.
Rp 183.000Soothe Shampoo SB Vetcare
Rp 183.000Benzoyl Shampoo SB Vetcare
Benzoyl Shampoo is an antimicrobial, keratolytic, antipuritic shampoo for topical therapy of pyoderma, folliculitis and seborrhea complex.
Rp 188.250Benzoyl Shampoo SB Vetcare
Rp 188.250Michlo Shampoo SB Vetcare
Miclo Shampoo is an antiseptic shampoo being composed of miconazole and chlorhexidine to be used in the management of skin conditions. Michlo Shampoo can control common bacterial and fungal infections effectively and reduce the scale.
Rp 194.250Michlo Shampoo SB Vetcare
Rp 194.250Ketadine Shampoo SB Vetcare
An antiseptic, cleansing shampoo to control conditions caused by fungal, bacterial infections. Ceramide can improve the dry skin condition.
Rp 194.250Ketadine Shampoo SB Vetcare
Rp 194.250